EUR 23.750

Bentley - Arnage


Marca Bentley Tipo di auto Berlina Guida Sinistra
Modello Arnage Condizione Usata Trazione -
Versione - Carburante Benzina Cambio Automatico
Anno 2004 KM 121899 Colore Argento
Marca Bentley KM 121899
Modello Arnage Guida Sinistra
Versione - Carburante Benzina
Tipo di auto Berlina Trazione -
Condizione Usata Cambio Automatico
Anno 2004 Colore Argento
Marca Bentley
Modello Arnage
Versione -
Anno 2004
Tipo di auto Berlina
Condizione Usata
Guida Sinistra
Trazione -
Carburante Benzina
Cambio Automatico
KM 121899
Colore Argento


Trade-in car. The Bentley Arnage and the Rolls-Royce Silver Seraph were both top limousines and both the first new model since the 1980s. The then owner, Vickers, decided that the Rolls-Royce would be equipped with a V12 and the Bentley would get a V8. After all, you let yourself be driven in a Rolls-Royce and you drive yourself in a Bentley. In this case it is a 2004 Bentley Arnage.
The car is powered by a 6.75 liter tappet V8 which in this case is mated to a 4-speed automatic transmission. The engine produces 456 hp
With a length of 5.4 meters, a width of 2.13 meters and a weight of more than 2.5 tons, it is a very impressive car in every respect.
This Bentley Arnage comes from France and the car comes with all original booklets, neatly in a leather case. There are also the necessary invoices with the car, which show that significant investments have been made in the Arnage in recent years. For example, about € 7,500 euros was recently spent on the chassis and interior.
The car is optically in a neat condition, both the exterior and the interior are neatly matching the mileage. From a technical point of view, we would like to recommend (preventive or otherwise) maintenance.
This car and it is in our warehouse. An appointment is required to view this car.



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